Thursday 23 October 2008

Blog Virgin!

Yesterday I found myself standing amidst 3,000 free range chickens. As job interviews go it was unauthodox but an education into animals that so many of us sadly take for granted when we fry our eggs.
As a little girl I had many differing ideas on what I 'wanted to be' when I grew up. My thoughts varied from Broadway actress to crime writer, dress maker to vicar and for one long period-Farmer's wife. The 9 year old me obviously felt the agricultural life would be an endless cycle of double cream sandwiches and ruddy faced ploughman leaning up against the kitchen window sill for a refreshing glass of cider. At some point in my adolescence I changed my mind and am yet to discover what it is I want to do on a permanent basis-infact I stopped worrying about that years ago. I'm a woman-not a job description and what comes comes for a reason.
Anyway, I can't wait to learn all about this side of animal husbandry, how chickens behave and more than anything being out on the hills in all weathers!.

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